Monday, July 19, 2010


In June I decided to become a Passion Parties® Consultant, or RELATIONSHIP ENHANCEMENT SPECIALIST. With all of the different multi level home businesses out there, this is the one I bonded with. And it was because it is something I relate to, and believe in.

How I view Sexuality is based on my upbringing in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.... The "Mormon Church."

Though I have not always followed it strictly, due to a very hard time in my late teens/early 20's, I have come to hold the teachings of the "Mormon Church" as my own... because I believe them to be the most accurate.

Many "Mormons" as well as Non-"Mormons" struggle with their sexuality. We come into this world with natural and basic wiring and instincts. And then as we grow we are taught the proper use and boundaries of those instincts and urges.

And it can be so complicated. Finding Balance in ANYTHING is always a struggle....if not to find it, to maintain it.

So, for what it's worth, I am on a mission to educate anyone and everyone who is willing to hear me out on the topics that many find to be "Taboo."

I believe with everything in me that this will greatly benefit the Children I am fortunate to call My Own.

Thank you for your support and for giving me a chance to maybe make a difference :-)

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