Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What is Airport friendly, and what is NOT

My wonderful Husband took a PP order to Utah for me via plane today.

We got there too late to check his suitcase. Which meant the TSA agents needing to go through and decide what was ok to take and what was not.

Here was the "Not ok" list:

* Satin Sheets
* Shaving Creme and After Shave Protection Mist larger than travel size (2 oz)
* Hugs and Kisses/Amazing Heart Massager
* Jewels
* All of the lotions, and lubricants larger than travel size (2 oz)
* Toy Cleanser Spray

Here's was "Ok" list:

* Pure Instincts
* ALL of the bullets, attachments, etc.
* Vibrating Bath Ball (which is quite a bit bigger than I expected)
* Feather Snapper
* Nibblers
* Playful Plug
* Animal Adventures kit
* 52 Positions
* Stay Hard

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ride Em Cowgirl

I recommend this book to those who are mature enough to take it for what it is, and able to look past the things that are in it that don't interest them and take what does from it, or those who are interested in everything it has to offer.

Things like this book spark the mundane into something that might inspire passion in the every day monotony.

It's like attending a Passion Party. It gets your mind on being passionate. And can turn an ordinary afternoon into 15 min, or an hour of more interesting things. :-)